Unlike others, our behavioral services are provided in the child's home, school, and/or community. We offer many behavioral therapy services. Our services are short-term and intensive in nature.
TBS - Therapeutic Behavioral Services
IHBS - Intensive Home-Based Services
HART - Home Alternative to Residential Treatment

Why Choose Us
We have 15 years of experience in this field of work, and more than that, each member of our team is passionate about the work we do. We believe that we are here to make a positive difference in the life of every child and family we interact with. We are proud to say that 75% of children who participate in our services successfully complete our program.
We Offer
Strength-based care and service delivery
Multicultural and multilingual coaching staff
Effective interventions to decrease challenging behaviors
Behavioral intervention planning
Parent education and training

Let us know
if you would like more information about how we can help!