JDT CONSULTANTS, INC. is strongly committed to teaching our clients coping skills and adaptive behaviors while helping caregivers successfully parent them. We build on the strengths of our clients and empower the entire family to improve their communication and relationships. We work in close communication with the child's therapist and mental health treatment team and strengthen these relationships to benefit our clients.
Together, We Can.
Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS)
TBS is an intensive and individualized one-to-one behavioral mental health service available for children and youth that are experiencing significant emotional and/or behavioral challenges. To be eligible for our services, the child must have full-scope Medi-Cal. Click here for more information about full-scope Medi-Cal.
JDT has designed our program to help children and families manage behaviors that are identified as problematic by the team members. TBS is very helpful for both children and their caregivers to help find successful ways to manage their difficulties and help them overcome behaviors that are creating stress and instability at the home.
You can request TBS from your child’s mental health provider.

Intensive Home-Based Services (IHBS)
Intensive Home-Based Services (IHBS) are intensive, individualized, and strength-based interventions to assist the child and his/her/their significant support persons to develop skills to achieve the goals/objectives of the child's treatment plan.
Home Alternative to Residential Treatment (HART)
We provide Home Alternative to Residential Treatment (HART) services to children in Monterey County as a component of the child's Individualized Education Program, or IEP. HART addresses the social and emotional needs of students who require an alternative to residential treatment due to serious emotional disturbances. This program also assists youth returning home from residential treatment to successfully reunite. HART assists youth in developing coping skills while teaching parents strategies to manage their behaviors.